Coach Mickey Arthur answers: Why Pakistan underperformed?

Coach Mickey Arthur has been under fire for Pakistan’s performance, but he has defended his record and his team. So, in a recent interview, Arthur answered some of the tough questions about why Pakistan underperformed.

Moreover, Pakistan’s performance at the 2023 Cricket World Cup was disappointing, to say the least. Also, the team finished fifth in the group stage, failing to qualify for the semi-finals.

Why Pakistan underperformed.

Arthur has identified a number of factors that contributed to Pakistan’s underperformance at the World Cup, including:

  • Inconsistent batting. Pakistan’s top order was inconsistent throughout the tournament, and they failed to score big totals on a regular basis.
  • Poor bowling performances. Pakistan’s bowling attack was also inconsistent, and they were unable to take wickets consistently.
  • Fielding errors. Pakistan made a number of fielding errors throughout the tournament, which cost them important runs and wickets.
  • Lack of experience. Pakistan had a number of young players in their squad, and they lacked the experience of playing in big tournaments.
  • Pressure of playing at home. Pakistan were playing in front of their home fans, and they felt the pressure to perform.

What can Pakistan do to improve?

Arthur has also said that there are a number of things that Pakistan can do to improve ahead of the next World Cup. These include:

  • Improving the batting consistency. Pakistan needs to find a way to get their top order to fire consistently. They also need to develop a more solid middle order.
  • Improving the bowling attack. Pakistan need to find a way to get their bowlers to take wickets more consistently. They also need to develop a more varied bowling attack.
  • Improving the fielding. Pakistan need to reduce the number of fielding errors that they make. They also need to improve their catching.
  • Gaining more experience. Pakistan needs to give their young players more opportunities to play in big tournaments. Then, this will help them to gain the experience that they need to succeed at the highest level.
  • Learning to cope with the pressure. Pakistan need to learn to cope with the pressure of playing in big tournaments. This is especially important when they are playing at home.


Coach Mickey Arthur is confident that Pakistan can bounce back from their disappointing performance at the 2023 Cricket World Cup. He believes that the team has the potential to be one of the best teams in the world, and he is working hard to get the team back to the top.

Arthur’s quotes:
  • “Our biggest problem was our inconsistency. We were capable of beating the best teams in the world, but we were also capable of losing to the worst teams.”
  • “We also lacked experience in big tournaments. A number of our key players were playing in their first World Cup, and they struggled to cope with the pressure.”
  • “Playing at home was also a challenge for us. We were under immense pressure from our fans, and we struggled to perform at our best.”
  • “We need to address our inconsistency and lack of experience if we want to be successful in future tournaments. We also need to learn to deal with the pressure of playing at home.”
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